Farm News

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It's that time of year again!

The Ty Poeth Farm Bronze Turkeys are now available on our farm shop to order in time for Christmas. Whole Bronze and Crowns available, priced per Kilo. From our farm to your table. Click here to order yours today.

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Group Visits Now Available

We are excited to now offer educational visits to our working farm! You can ensure the children in your care understand how the food they eat makes it onto their fork by booking one of our educational group visits. Find out more by emailing us at

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Farm-Grown Veg & Plants Now Available

We're proud to announce that you can now come along to the farm to PYO veg, fruit and annual and perennial flowers. All have been grown from seed in our greenhouse in the right season. Plants include lettuce, tomatoes, spring onions, cucumbers and lots more!

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The Cutest New Arrivals

The newest arrivals at Ty Poeth have been having fun this week and had lots of visitors coming to see them. They have been enjoying nibbling on the pumpkins - and playing with them too! As with all the animals at Ty Poeth they have plenty of space to roam around. Soon our turkeys will be out and about too, we're sure you will either see or hear them when you visit the shop!

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Our Mangalitsa Breed

The Mangalitsa pig is one of the oldest established animals in husbandry, having been domesticated some 8,000 years ago in Asia, from where it was brought to Europe. There are three Mangalitsa breeds: Blonde, Red, and Swallow-bellied.

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Dexter Breed

The Dexter is the smallest British breed of cattle. It is a dual purpose breed which means it is bred for both meat and milk. They originated in the South-west of Ireland, descendants of black cattle of the early Celts. Dexter cattle were first introduced into the UK in 1882, bought from the Dublin area and reared in Oxfordshire. By 1892, they were an established breed in England. The breed matures early, making beef of exceptional flavour and quality with good marbling.

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Ty Poeth Farm Whole Turkey (Deposit Only - £13.99 per Kilo)

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Ty Poeth Farm Turkey Crown (Deposit Only - £22 per Kilo)

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